Hello and welcome to The Great Commission website.

Hello and welcome to the Great Commission website. The Great Commission consists of a team of Christians referred to as, "the Commissioners". The vision of the team is in direct response to Gods' command in Mark 16:15; "And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".
The objectives of the team are to: evangelise through the internet, social media and to promote the 'Fishers of Men' Brand/Logo. Resolve today to be a Commissioner for Christ, especially outside of your local Church - Read more »


Seek Ye First - By Funke Oyewola

Jesus made this command whilst teaching/preaching to the crowd at what we all now call the'Sermon on the Mount'.

As believers we are to seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world. Read more »

The Time is Now By: Pastor Yemi Onigbode

It is estimated that over 100 people die every minute www.prb.org/pdf10/10wpds_eng.pdf. By the time you finish reading this message over 500 people would have died. Once a person dies, all the plans for the future cease. Career plans – education, job, ministry etc. Read more »

Fellowship - By Pastor Tunde Usidame

As Christian (new, growing or mature), it is essential you find a local church, where you can worship with others in the body of Christ. This helps you to grow spiritually and have a better understanding of the bible, ultimately helping your Christian growth and journey. - Read more »

Reading the Bible - By Herbert Riley

Reading the bible is very important throughout your Christian Journey – for all Christians (new, growing or mature). It helps you to meditate on the word of God, learn about His son – Jesus Christ and His Ministry. It also helps you - Read more »

Praying - By Ibilola Njoku

Have you struggled with prayer? Does prayer seem like an exercise in eloquent speech that you just don't possess?
What is prayer? Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout.
- Read more »

Fruits of the Spirit- By Mrs E.A Oludipe

Being Christ-like or living a Christ-like life is serious business! One of the ways your Christianity will be measured or how your Christian growth will be determined is when you exhibit the fruits of the spirit, - Read more »

Harvest is Plenty- By Lanre & Adesola Efunbajo.

Being Christ-like or living a Christ-like life is serious business! One of the ways your Christianity will be measured or how your Christian growth will be determined is when you exhibit the fruits of the spirit, - Read more »

Fishers of Men - By Gbemisola & Caleb Momoh

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers; Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:18-20) - Read more »

The Christian Journey - By Adeola Sonola

A person begins his/her personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ when he/she becomes a born again Christian. To become a born again Christian is easy, just click on The Time is Now, - Read more »

Children and Youth - By Adeola Sonola

In addition to the other needs of your children which you cater for on a day to day basis, it is the responsibility of a Christian parent to raise his/her child in the way of the Lord. Our children are God's children given into our care - Read more »

"Speak Out, Say No, to Domestic Abuse"


Adeola Sonola supports the campaign against domestic abuse/violence.


Domestic and sexual violence can affect anyone. If you are concerned for yourself or someone else, we can help. With respect, without judgement.


Domestic violence helpline: 0300 123 0918
Sexual violence helpline: 0300 333 6533


All calls are confidential and cost no more than calls to standard landline numbers.


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